Mar 22, 2010


Sunday presented itself with the Downlow contest at Mount St. Louis moonstone. Its one of the biggest contests of the year in ontario and the best all around the province come out to show their stuff. The park is completely overhauled to accommodate the skill level of these riders and it certainly showed when first looking at most of the obstacles. First starting off with the gap to flat box, gap to down box. At first riders were taking some pretty hard falls but once they got the hang of it tricks were getting wild. Next the little booter, once again tricks were being thrown left right and centre. After that was the flat down square rail. Who would have thought that someone could beat a gap front 270 indy to boardslide or even a gap front blunt same way? but somehow they were beaten. Pause for lunch and a side of heavy metal of course. Then the big booter. Trick after trick were landed including a double backflip by Matty Bujok which was huge. Then time for some kids to get techy on the stair set. Bagels, 360s, pretzels, tailslides and indiangivers basically anything you can think of were successfully landed and with ease some could say. Then the big bertha of an obstacle, the pole jam like to a 40 or 50 foot death gap. At first a little unsure if people were actually going to hit it at all or not. Then it started and things were done never thought possible. Started with a backflip off the box here to a back 3 off the tube there and slowly worked its way to the winning trick; a front blunt 270 same way done by dialogue's own Pat Hrivnak. INSANE.

That is a sum up of the whole day basically. Now you were basically there if you missed actually being there. And if you were there i bet you just had deja vu. Weird isnt it?

Well here are some photos to cap it off!

Hope you enjoy them! more to come, just too awesome to be let out to the public that easily. Sorry.

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