Feb 9, 2011

Mt. Cascade Contest/ Ottawa!

So Rob Madill (Union, Capita, Ashbury...rep if you are not familiar) asked me to join the team riders (Brad Hesson, Matt Bujok, Andrew Skelhorn, Brad Gauley, etc.) to a big air step down contest at Mt. Cascade in Quebec, and have a fun packed night in ottawa then shoot some rails in the ottawa area.

So the contest went well with Matt Bujok placing third and Andrew Skelhorn finishing second. It was a fun jump with a lot of falls and a lot of spins. In the end it worked out for everyone! We all had a blast. Turns out after a day full of turning screws and riding gets everyone pretty tired, so a nice relaxing night for some, others took in the sights and sounds of the Ottawa nightlife!

The next day we all got up, packed the cars and headed out looking for spots around Ottawa. Found a couple spots, had a fun session on one spot (which you can see below), then found another nice rail, but soon as everything was set up we got asked to leave because the elderly people were getting frightened and confused as to what was happening.
Overall, awesome trip.

Id like to thank rob for the invite and everything!


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